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Series Two: Extreme Battle Ducks

The second wave of Mighty Ducks figures pictured the team in a bulked-up, futuristic format. These figures took the battle against the Saurians to an all-out war. This series stands out for its unique and complex accessory items.

Net Attack Wildwing
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One of the few figures to feature Wildwing without his Mask, this unusual take features a very good facial sculpt and body posture. HIs armor is a little less bulky, and his gloved fingers are thinner and more claw-like. The best thing about this Wildwing figure is his accessories, which feature a complex backpack/shoulder unit that connects to a new version of the Mask, all cast in clear blue plastic. The backpack unit also spring-launches a net that, while small, serves as a neat visual for subduing bad guys.

Puck Bomber Nosedive
Nosedive's facial sculpt is the same as in his first and fifth series figures. Looking a little odd in his new, updated armor, Nosedive features the oddest-looking weapon out of all of the figures: two shoulder-mounted units that disperse puck bombs when a knob on them is twisted. While the armor itself looks clumsy, it functions very well when played with, again making for some vivid battle scenes with a little imagination. If you're lucky enough to find this one used, you'll be even luckier to have any of the tiny gray puck bombs come with it.

Spin Attack Mallory
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In the worst cop-out of this series, Mallory's figure is simply a repaint and recast of her series 1 set. Her accessories are exactly the same, just in purple, neon yellow, and gold. Again, because of her rarity, Mallory's figure is a big hit with collectors, and will be the easiest to find in mint condition.

Triple Sword Duke L'Orange
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Compared to his series 1 fig, this is a vast improvement for Duke. While his facial sculpt leaves him looking a little too friendly, at least the eyepatch has been fixed. Duke's pose is fitting for a true swordsman, and he's got a bulked-up sword with three blades to match. Duke's other accessories include shoulder and wrist mounted spring launcher for one neon green puck, and a targeting unit that straps around his head.

Nitro Fist Grin
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Poor Grin always seems to get the worst of the action figure luck. Even more bulked out than his series 1 version, Grin's main weaponry is a spring-loaded punch out right arm. His facial sculpt is bug-eyed and quite frankly, something only a mother could love. Thankfully, he comes with an old-fashioned goalie mask that makes him look much more intimidating. Grin's other accessories are a pair of missles and two helicopter blade wings that mount from his shoulder armor. Big, clumsy, and not too pretty.

Evil Siege
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In a complete turnaround from Dragaunus's horrible series 1 portrayal, Seige takes the cake for the best sculpt in series 2. His squat pose, stocky limbs, and big hands are perfectly captured, and he's got one mean grimace on his face. Siege doesn't need to be loaded down with accessories, in fact his only one is a big plastic boulder with a notch in the back. The notch fits into his club tail, which cleverly functions as a spring-loaded catapault launcher for the rock.

Mislabled Team Leader Wildwing
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Probably due to a surplus of series 1 Wildwing figures, Mattel decided to release them with a series 2 cardback. Technically a mislabled figure, it should be considered a collector's item and is quite rare.

Notes: Because of the popularity of this series, it hung around in stores for several months, and was stocked to overlap with the release of series 3. As a result, these figures are the ones you're most likely to find mint on card in online auctions. Also, because of Mallory's value to collectors, she'll pop up at action figure trade shows and flea markets.

This page created and maintained by Zelda, webmaster of The Dragon's Den.


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